167. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992 at 7:42 AM. in Spanish.

The boat is going to come on the sixth in the year of the Ram. The boat is going to come. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? Did you hear Me? The boat is going to come on the sixth, in the year of the Ram, and you have to put down all that I am telling you. For its going to come with force and the force is going to scare the World, in the year of the Ram, on the sixth day.

Did you hear what I am telling you Reymundo? Open your ears and eyes and put down what I am telling on your computer. For the day is coming of the boat that's coming to San Francisco. Here comes the day of the boat.

For I am going to close the world with the force of the devil. For the devil is everything that is filthy. I, the God of Heaven, of the World with My Son Christ and the Holy Spirit, I am going to shut the devil in the pit. For I am tired of all that is filthy and everyone that thinks they know it all. I am going to place them in the pit if they think like the devil.

For all that is of God is Clean and Straight and only what is clean and straight is going to Heaven with My Son, the Holy Spirit and Me. I want you to send the letters to where I tell you. I am going to give you the money and the people to help you. For no one can stop the Word of God. The One who made the World, the Stars. For the Force of the Holy Spirit, no one can stop. For what I say gets done with the Force of the Holy Spirit.

For My Son is going to come on the cloud and is going to pick-up the Saints that are clean, the righteous ones. The rest I am going to leave for the devil to clean. For the Ones who believe Me are going to do what I tell them and the rest are going to go with their god to the pit. The day is here that I told your father's father's father's father's, father's, and you have to jump and enter the Ark. For the Ark can save you.

You have to read the Bible and you have to look for your sons, your sisters, your father, your mother, all that love their Father in Heaven with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I want you to look for them in the streets, the older, the Ones that don't have food, the sick Ones. I want all the people, all My Saints to look for them now! "This minute!"

Don't wait, for the devil has already started. He is not waiting to do what he wants. I have already released him. He already is working day and night. For he has hunger for the Blood of My Son, the Christ. He wants to fill his belly with the Christians for the day of the devil has arrived.

Did you hear Me, Reymundo with your ears? What I am telling you. Write everything down as I told you. The day of the devil has arrived. For I just want what is Clean. I am going to clean this World from the top to the bottom. That's all I am going to tell you on this date, but the Love of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit is there.

I just want what is Clean and I will protect you with My Hands, with the Love of My Heart, with the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit. I will protect you but you have to study the Bible. You have to pray everyday until you cannot walk or talk. In that way you can save yourself if you STAY in the World and don't go to Heaven with My Son. Did you hear Me with your ears? That's all. This is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit. 


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