234. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 November 1992 at 10:33 AM.

I see a nuclear explosion.

I have a vision of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

I see a hand held magnifying glass.

I see a pyramid looking down from the top, directly down at the vertex.

I see an image of the United States of America as you would see a national map.

I see an image of a glass salt shaker trying to change itself into the image of the Eiffel tower. It has a regular salt shaker metal top with a glass bottom. It's trying to form itself into the Eiffel Tower in Paris.


I see the image of an eagle, standing on top of a hill, but it doesn't have wings. It has human arms and hands. The eagle is holding its arms and hands behind him. They are not tied. The eagle is just looking down this hill, and below the hill, I see the Eiffel Tower of Paris. It's a very dark brown eagle.

The Lords says, "Car'ma. Car'ma, My son. Car'ma, My son."

(I don't know the meaning of the Word Car'ma. The word that came in Spanish tongues.)

I have an image of a creature with a mouth filled with crooked, jagged teeth. I have never seen a mouth with so many jagged teeth. It has it's mouth open.

I see an image of a shield and a crutch.


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