928. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 July 1996 at 10:30 AM. in English.

Vengeance is My Mine, I have told you many, many times; so eat the fruit of your evil. Many people of the earth think I am a big joke. We will see who will laugh last. The last Train will leave at 7 AM. Did you hear what I have said? "The last Train will leave at 7 AM." Then - We will see who is laughing. For the curse of Jehovah will hit your eyes when you least expect it.

And you, my little son, hang on, for I am going to send you help from the back lines. The brothers and sisters, that I am going to send to help you will be STRONG and DEDICATED! For you will begin to see and hear from the brothers, who have never been at war with evil spirits try to give you advice. Do not listen to them, for they think and they mean well, but they will only hurt you. I know the pain that you are going through, but hang on! For the end is to close to stop now! Did you hear Me, Reymundo? "WE ARE TO CLOSE TO STOP NOW!" Remember the Blood of Jesus Christ. For everything in the universe will go to the cross.

The Art of Living is Loving Jesus Christ, and going to the Cross. The Wheels on the last Train are being oiled now. The Body of Christ will be fully protected, but they will see much blood, to the right, to the left, behind, and the hardest in front. Never forget that Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, will ALWAYS be there. The planet will see the fruits of evil for the wickedness of the followers of Satan.

Remember the ground of Holiness is the ground that Jesus walks on, and the ground that His Holy Body on earth walks on. So be it. So be it. So be it, My little son. I hear your tears. Listen only to Us, for We are the only ONE who can help you. My beloved. (over)


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