1528. Occurrence and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 July 2000 at 3:30 PM.

While on a City Tour in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I knew on the tour bus that in front of Casa Rosado (the Pink House or Argentina’s Presidential Palace, the work place of the President of Argentina) was going to be the place that had to be Anointed.  So we Anointed the plaque at the base of the flagpole in front of Casa Rosado.

Afterwards the Lord said, “Wash your hands.”

So we washed and rinsed our hands before leaving the square in the public fountain.

Visions during prayer:


I had a vision of some kind of banner and of a donkey sitting over a ledge, with its tail over the edge. Then this banner tried to cut the donkey’s tail.


I saw a towel held by a shinny gold or bronze loop.


Then I saw the donkey and the towel fall down as if from a high building


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