1546. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 August 2000 at 6 PM.

During prayer I was asking the Lord for financial help, for I am totally out of funds. The Lord had instructed me to trust Him, and to purchase a new computer, this has left us totally without any money. So Eva and I are waiting on the Lord, and praying daily.


So during this prayer, the Lord gave me a vision of a small fish with a large Sword in its mouth. (over)

Then late this evening (9:30 PM) Eva came upstairs to my computer room and handed me a package. To my surprise, it was my first free copy of Prophecy Book 4, from the Book Publisher. I guess UPS had left it on the outside steps without letting us know. It sounds like the other free samples (Book 1, 2, 3) won’t arrive for 4 weeks.

This led me to call the Book Publisher to see if maybe some money could come from there, but it sounds like - it is going to be many, many months before anything happens there. I guess Book funds are only sent out several times a year. Then the Prophecy Books have to sell before this happens. I guess, the Lord’s timing is the Lord’s timing.


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