2143. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 November 2012 at 5:45 AM

Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Satan has purchased you. The Power of Satan resides in Philadelphia.

I was given a vision of a bald man wearing a white one piece gown. The man was floating upward through some clear water, until he broke through the surface of the water.

The hawk will emerge and take position as events unfold. The Spiritual battle has started, and the outcome will decide the power of the flesh. The number of days will decide the strength of the house that will make the decision - life or death. Remember the cowboy, he will come and try to help repair the damage. Everyone will say peace, peace brother, but there will be no peace. The hammer will strike, which will start the fire, which will burn the peace.

Remember, the Lord will be there with His Angels through the whole affair. The Church is dead in Philadelphia, but the Power of God will be there. Remember, follow only the Lord, for man's church will bring you down. Power, power and more power man will seek, but the real Power is in Jehovah's, Jesus Christ's, and the Holy Spirit's Hands. Focus and focus on Jesus for direction and real peace. So be it! So be it! So be it!    


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